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发表于 2012-11-26 15:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
噬嗑(卦二十一) ——吃喝享乐与受刑挨罚



①噬嗑(shi he)是本卦的标题。噬嗑的意思就是吃喝,读音和意义与 “吃喝”一样。全卦内容是讲与饮食有关的事。噬嗑是卦中多见词,且与内容有关,所以用作标题。②狱:刑罚。③屦(ju):拖,拉。校:木制 的刑具,这里指加在足上的桎。灭:遮盖。④肤:肥美的肉,这里指鲜 鱼嫩肉。⑤干胏(zi):带骨头的干肉。(6)金矢:铜制箭头。(7) 黄金:指铜箭头。(8)何:用作“荷”,意思是负戴。校:这里指加在脖子 上的刑具枷。


九四:啃带骨头的干肉,发现肉中有铜箭头。占问旱灾,吉 利。


  虽然是讲吃吃喝喝,却又说到了刑罚。谁在大享口福之乐、大 快朵颐,谁在受刑挨罚,是不言而喻的。把反差如此强烈的享乐 和受刑放在一起,的确耐人寻味。或许,作者是想说明恩威并施, 赏罚结合,一张一弛是治人治国之道,要善于巧妙利用。
  不过,我们从中能获得一些有关社会生活的信息。首先是吃肉。鲜鱼嫩肉是美味佳肴,即使在物质生活极大丰富的今天也没 有大的改变;在没有鲜鱼嫩肉的季节吃干肉,显然是为了经常享受口福之乐,为了保证有足够的营养。由于古人缺乏必要的科考 知识,腌制干肉的技术有时会出问题,以。至有吃干肉中毒的事发 生。可以想见,能够常年吃肉,在生活资料匮乏的时代,要有足 够的财富作为后盾,一般人显然难以办到。
  其次是刑罚。我们惊叹自己的祖先在这方面的聪明才智和创 造发明:如此精细,如此种类繁多,如此专门化,如此严密。现在想来,如果把这等精力和智慧用在其它方面,结果将会怎样呢?

Bite on divinatory symbols: prosper. Beneficial use punishment.

Ninth: foot wearing a scourge, cover the toes, not evil.

Six two: eat fish tender, even the nose is also covered, no evil.

Six three: eat dried meat in the drug, a small problem, but not the disaster.

Nine four: eating bones with dried meat, the meat was found in a bronze arrowhead. Zhan asks the drought, kat.

Six five: eat dried meat, find copper arrow. For the omen, but no evil.

Nine: neck with a scourge, cover ears, dangerous.

[ read ]

Although about wine and dine, but when it comes to the penalty. Who 's in great joy of fast, large meal, who was punished punished, is self-evident. The contrast is so intense pleasure and punishment together, really afford much food for thought. Perhaps, the author is trying to say to temper justice with mercy, rewards and punishments with alternate tension with relaxation, is to cure the person statecraft, should be good at the clever use of.

However, we can get some of the social life of information. The first is to eat meat. Fish meat is delicious food, even in the material life of great and rich today did not have big change; in the absence of fresh fish meat season to eat dried meat, apparently to often enjoy to enjoy, to ensure adequate nutrition. Because of the lack of necessary scientific knowledge, salted dried meat technology sometimes problems, in order to. To eat dried meat poisoning the students. Can imagine, year-round meat, in the life of scarce information age, must have the enough enough wealth as a backing, average person is difficult.

Followed by the sentence. We are amazed at his ancestors in the aspects of one's ability and cleverness and a man-made invention: so fine, so various, so special, so tight. Now, if this energy and wisdom in the other, what would be the result?
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