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发表于 2012-11-26 15:04:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
复(卦二十四) —— 行旅过程的体验

(震下坤上)复①:亨。出人无疾。朋来无咎②。反复其道,七 日来复。利有攸往。
六五:敦复(7),无悔。 上六:速复,凶。有灾眚③。用行师,终有大败,以其国君, 凶。至于十年不克征。


(1)复是本卦标题。复的意思是往返。全卦内容是讲行旅。“复”与内容有关,又是卦中多见词,所以用作标题。(2)朋:朋贝,指货币,钱财。(3)祗:大。(4)休:美满。(5)频:用作“颦”,意思是皱眉头。(6)中行:中途,半路。(7)敦:匆忙,急迫。(8)眚(sheng):灾 祸,过错。


上六:迷路难返,凶险,有灾难。出兵作战,结果将会大败, 并连累到国君,凶险。十年都不能恢复作战能力。


  《周易》一再讲到外出旅行,大概因为这事很重要(经商贸易 和行军打仗都要外出),同时也有不少困难:天然的地理障碍,饥 渴生病,盗贼打劫,同路人之间的不和,迷失道路和方向,两手 空空而归……总之,有太多意料之外的不利因素和危险,全然不 像今天的飞机、火车、汽车、轮船那么方便、快捷、安全、舒适。
  古人的行路难(李白曾慨叹蜀道难难于上青天)倒让人想起人生一世正如行路,也有太多意料之外的偶然因素和插曲,否则 就不会有“谋事在人,成事在天”一说。有些事是自己可以控制 把握和努力做到的,有些事则超出了个人控制和努力之外;有些 事是意料之中、必然会发生的,有些事则在意料之外、偶然出现; 有政事凭个人努力可以改变,而有些事则要改变人本身。
  行路的苦乐忧喜唯有行路人自知,人生的苦乐忧喜也只有靠 自己去体验。因而,行路和人生都一样,是一种实实在在、真真 切切的体验。重要的是体验的过程,而不是结果。

[ ] n.

Hexagram Fu: prosper. Go home. To earn money and no evil. On the way back soon, the seven day can. Help out.

Ninth: had not gone far when he came back, no big problem, wish you good fortune and every success.

Six two: complete and return, geely.

Six three: you come back, face the danger, but not evil.

Six four: alone halfway back to.

Six five: hurried back, no big problem.

Six: Lost difficult to return, dangerous, there is a disaster. Go to war, the results will be defeated, and involve the monarch, dangerous. Ten years can not recover combat capability.

[ read ]

" Book of changes" repeatedly about travel, probably because it's very important ( trade and the march to war will go out ), but also have a lot of difficulties: natural geographic barriers, hunger and thirst sick, thieves robbed, the same discord, lost the way and direction, both hands empty and return ... ... In short, there are too many unfavorable factors and dangerous contrary to expectation, not like today's plane, train, car, ship so convenient, fast, safe, comfortable.

The hard road ( Li Bai once sigh difficult roads of Shu almost inaccessible ) was reminiscent of a life as a journey, there are too many contrary to expectation of causal factors and the episode, or there will be" man proposes, God disposes." said. There are some things they can control the hold and strive to do, some things are beyond the control of individual and efforts; some things are expected, inevitable, some things are contrary to expectation, the occasional; a political with personal effort can change, but some things are going to change itself.

He noticed that only the traveller and self-knowledge, the joys and sorrows in life one is only on their own to experience. Therefore, go and life are the same, is one kind of solid, real experience. It is the experience of the process, not the result.
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