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周易剥(卦二十三) —— 不止是小人才忧戚

发表于 2012-11-26 15:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
剥(卦二十三) —— 不止是小人才忧戚



①剥是本卦标题。剥的意思是击打、分离、掉落。全卦的内容同政治有 关.“剥”是卦中多见词,所以用作标题。②剥:脱落。③蔑:无 不用。④辨:用作“牑”,意思是床板。⑤之:代词,指床。(6) 肤:这里指床上的席子。(7)贯鱼:射中了鱼。(8)剥:离开。庐: 草 房子。


上九:劳动果实自己不能享受,君子却出门有车坐,百姓要 离开自己的草屋。


  这一卦多是梦占,即根据梦中所见情景,来占问事情的吉凶。 前此的“履卦”中已出现过。梦见安身之处的床支离破碎,无法 安身;身无居处,意味着生活的基本需要没有保障,自然是不好 的兆头。梦境表明,做梦者心有忧戚。孔子说过,君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚。“履卦”讲君子坦荡,现在“剥卦”又讲小人忧戚,一 正一反,正合先哲之意。   其实,只要是人,都有忧戚,只不过忧戚的具体内容不同罢 了。再进一步讲,只要是人,都要为衣食住行而忧戚。先圣孔夫 子,若不是有人供奉、送束脩,恐怕也没有那么多豪言壮语吧。没有衣食住行的后顾之忧,而后大谈君子、小人之别,放言君子如 何高贵,小人如何下贱,确实让人疑心之后感到荒谬虚伪。

Peel the divinatory symbols : not conducive to go out.

Sixth: bed foot off. Need not occupy ask, dangerous.

Six two: right off the bed. Need not occupy ask, dangerous.

Six three: bed of discrete, no evil.

Six five: people hit the fish, get to the sacrifice of Rong Chong. There are no adverse.

Nine: for they can not enjoy the fruits of labor, but go out a car seat, the people to leave their house.

Six four: the mat on the bed without, dangerous.

[ read ]

This diagram is dream accounted for, according to what is seen in a dream scenario, for asking things good and bad. This" Lu Gua" has appeared. The bed cannot be reduced to fragments of shelter, shelter; no dwelling place, means that the basic needs of life does not have safeguard, nature is a bad omen. The dream that dream, heart is blue. Confucius said, the gentleman, the villain often worried. " Lu Gua" speak magnanimous gentleman, now" skin divinatory symbols" and little blue, positive and negative, is a sage. In fact, as long as people, there is sorrow, but the specific content of the different, the sadness. Further, as long as people, all for the basic necessities of life and sadness. The prophet Kong Fu, if it were not for tribute, send others, I'm afraid not so many heroic utterance. Without basic necessities of life of any menace from the "rear", and then talk about the gentleman, people don't put words such as noble gentleman, what, how dirty villain, then really make people suspicious feel absurd hypocrisy.
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