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发表于 2012-11-26 15:03:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
无妄(卦二十五) ——“思无邪”的做人准则

(震下乾上)无妄①:元亨,利贞。其匪正,有眚。不利有攸 往。


①无妄是本卦的标题。妄的意思是乱,不正。无妄就是不要有不合正轨 行为。全卦的内容是讲行为修养要合于正轨,不能乱来。无妄是卦中多见 词,又与内容有关,所以用作标题。②菑(ZT):新开垦的荒地。(3)畬(yu):耕种了三年的熟地。④无妄:意料之外。


无妄卦:大亨大通,吉利的占问。如果思想行为不正当,就 会有灾祸。不利于外出有所往。
六二:不耕种就要收获,不开垦荒地就想耕种熟地。妄想者 的行为难道有利吗?
六三:意料之外的灾祸。有人将牛拴住,过路的人顺手把牛 牵走了,邑人丢牛得了意外之灾。

  这一卦的主题是告诫人们不要有非分之想,不要胡作非为,思 想和行为都要合于正道。换句话说,就是要想得正,行得端;反 过来说,就是人正不怕影子歪。
  这个立意不能说不好。讲究“思无邪”、名正言顺、光明正大 的中国传统思想,总是用各种理论、例证、乃至说教来加强和提 高人们的自觉性,通过个人人格的修养,来确立人们心中的道德 律令、行动准则。
  但是,道德的作用毕竟是有限的。社会行为的规范还必须辅 之以律法,月一定的强制措施来制约那些越轨者。况且,道德的 说教对某些人(包括历代统治者)难以发挥作用,甚至还有口是 心非、阳奉阴违的人,以及敢于公开挑战道德准则的人。因此,善 良的愿望总得配合着切实可行的措施制度,才会如愿以偿。

[ ] n.

Not diagram: tycoon chase, Geely for ask. If the thought of acts of unfair, it will be evil. Not conducive to go out.

Ninth : do not have a different way of behavior, geely.

Six two: do not sow to harvest, not to reclaim the wasteland to farming land. Paranoid behavior is beneficial?

Six three: Contrary to expectation of evil. There'll be cow hitch, passers-by conveniently took the cow, city people throw cows had unexpected disaster.

Nine four: to occupy ask, no evil.

Nine five: Ill not make blind and disorderly conjectures, do not take medicine to also be healed.

Nine: don't have done. Folly has the disaster, there is no good.

[ read ]

This diagram is the subject of warning people not to have inordinate ambitions, don't play the gangster, thinking and behavior are in the way. In other words, is to want to have it, will end; but come in and say, who is not afraid to shadow askew.

This conception can't be that bad. Pay attention to the " evil thought", be right and proper, work in just ways of Chinese traditional thoughts, always use various theories, examples, and preaching to strengthen and raise the people of high consciousness, through individual personality cultivation, to establish the minds of the people of the moral law, principle.

However, the role of morality is limited after all. The social norms of behavior must be supported by law, on certain measures to restrict the deviant. Moreover, the moral sermon for some people ( including rulers ) is difficult to play a role, even the heart, the mouth is not comply in appearance but oppose in heart, and dare to openly challenge the moral standards. Therefore, good good wishes always combined with the practical measures, will have got one's wish.
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