admin 发表于 2012-11-26 15:16:00


彖曰:大哉乾元,万物资始,乃统天。云行雨施,品物流形。大明始终,六位时成,时 乘六龙以御天。乾道变化,各正性命,保合大和,乃利贞。首出庶物,万国咸宁

Tuan said : great is Artemis KenGen, everything the beginning, but all day. Be benevolent to the people, of innovo. Ming always, six bits, riding the six dragons in the day. The dry lane change, all is life, insurance and, but Lee fok. First of all things, the nations of Xianning

象曰:天行健,君子以自强不息。潜龙勿用,阳在下也。见龙再田,德施普也。终日乾 乾,反复道也。或跃在渊,进无咎也。飞龙在天,大人造也。亢龙有悔,盈不可久也。用 九,天德不可为首也。

Similar: heaven revolves, the gentleman to unremitting self-improvement. Because of love, Yang on the next. See also Long Zaitian, Desch & poor. All day long dry also, repeated. Fire in the hole, into the fault also. Dragon, man-made also. Highlight dragon's shame, surplus can not be long. In nine days, can not be chief and.

文言曰:「元者,善之长也,亨者,嘉之会也,利者,义之和也,贞者,事之干也。君 子体仁,足以长人;嘉会,足以合礼;利物,足以和义;贞固,足以干事。君子行此四者, 故曰:乾:元亨利贞。」

Chinese said:" yuan, good long also, hang, Kerry will also, Lee, righteousness and also, chastity, what do. Jun progeny kernels, enough people; Jia, sufficient to etiquette; the matter, enough and righteousness; Zhen solid, enough to do. The line of this four, hence the saying: dry: yuanhenglizhen. "

初九曰:「潜龙勿用。」何谓也?子曰:「龙德而隐者也。不易乎世,不成乎名;遯 世而无闷,不见是而无闷;乐则行之,忧则违之;确乎其不可拔,乾龙也。」
Ninth, said:" because of love. How? Confucius said: "the long and the hermit also. Don't ease world, not by name; they don't see the world without boring, is without boring; Le Zehang, when break; indeed its not pull, is also. "

九二曰:「见龙在田,利见大人。」何谓也?子曰:「龙德而正中者也。庸言之信,庸 行之谨,闲邪存其诚,善世而不伐,德博而化。易曰:「见龙在田,利见大人。」君德 也。」
The nine two day:" dragon in the field, the most. How? Confucius said: "the long and median also. Are faith, Yong line of thankfulness, being evil to the world but not of honesty, goodness, and de bo. Yi said:" see the dragon in the field, the most. " Jun de also. "
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