admin 发表于 2012-11-26 15:11:49



泰(卦十一) ——运动变化的辩证法


九三:无平不陂,无往不复。艰贞,无咎。勿恤,其孚于食, 有福。
上六:城复于隍,勿用师,自邑告命。贞吝。 自邑告命。贞吝

Thai ( diagram eleven) -- motion and change of Dialectics

[ original ]

( dry earth below in Thai ): from far to near

Ninth: pull Mao Ru, with its remit. Syndrome, kat.

Nine two: bag barren, with Feng He, don't ya. Friends are dead, it is in the Bank of china.

Nine three: no peace without boundary, Wuwangbufu. Jianzhen, no blame. No shirt, the Corfu to eat, blessed.

Six four: elegant, rich with its neighbours, not ring to fu.

Six five: God gives his sister, for, yuanji.

Six: the city after Yu Huang, not division, since the city against fate. Zhen Lin. Since the city against fate. Zhen Lin


九二:把匏瓜挖空,用它来渡河,不至于下沉。财物损失了, 半路上又得到别人帮助。

[ ] n.

Taigua: from small to large and the prosperity, auspicious.

Ninth: Unplug Mao eggplant grass, according to its kind features to distinguish. Forward, geely.

Nine two: the was hollowed out, use it to cross the river, not to sink. Loss of property, and get help from others on the way.

Nine three: the ground will become undulating slopes, away from will return. Ask not for drought, disaster. Don't worry, I believe there will be food to eat, will be blessed.

Six four: deceptive bragging, so that adjacent people suffer together, no guard, also became a captive.

Six five: from Wang Diyi to marry the daughter Zhou Wenwang, so blessed, wish you good fortune and every success.

Six: the wall was breached, collapsed in the city of Gilbert. From the city of the order came, to stop attacking. For ask unlucky omen
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查看完整版本: 风水大师英译《周易》泰卦十一