admin 发表于 2012-11-26 15:11:23


比(卦八) ——团结的学问

(坤下坎上)比:吉。原筮,元永贞,无咎。不宁方来, 后夫凶。

Than ( eight hexagrams ) -- the unity of knowledge

[ the original ]

( Kun Hom on): kat. The original divination, Yuan Yong Zhen, no blame. Don Ning Fanglai, a second husband.

Sixth: Corfu, ratio of. No blame. Corfu, surplus fou. Come to have it, kyrgyzstan.

Six two: than from inside, Zhen ji.

Six three: the ratio of the robber.

Six four: outer than, Zhen ji.

Nine five: significant than. The king with three drive, before missing bird. Town people do not commandments, kyrgyzstan.

Six: first, fierce ( than No.


初六:抓到俘虏,安抚他们。没有灾祸。抓到俘虏,装满酒 饭款待他们。即使有变故,结果吉利。
九五:广泛亲善。君王打猎时三面包围,只留一面让猎物逃 走。邑中百姓毫不惊骇,吉利。 上六:小人互相倾轧,不能团结一心,凶兆。

[ ] n.

Than trigrams: propitious. Three people at the same time for another to ask, ask for a long time for good, not evil. Unwilling to submit to the nations came, not to delay the princes will be punished.

Sixth: catch the captive, appease them. No evil. Catch the captive, filled with wine dinner in honor of their. Even with the changes, the geely.

Six two: your own internal unity, Zhen trillion auspicious

Six three: with no decent person interest.

Six four: with the foreign alliance goodwill, Zhen trillion auspicious.

Nine five: extensive goodwill. The king hunting surrounded on three sides by, leaving only a prey escaped away. City of the people without fear, geely. Six: dog dog-eat-dog, cannot unite, omen.
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